B G Dharmanand

Indian Rheumatology Association.

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings! IRACON is a major event in the administrative and academic year. We have not had a physical meeting after IRACON -2019 held at Puducherry. We had to postpone IRACON 2020 to 2022. Meanwhile we managed to pull of a successful Virtual IRACON-2021. This was a great learning experience literally and administratively. IRACON 2022 is being planned with meticulous care by Dr. Ashish Badika as organizing secretary, Prof VP Pandey as Organizing Chairman and Prof Debashish Danda as Scientific chair. IRACONs off late has attracted good international participation. Our conferences are some of the largest national meeting in the world now. The quality of research presented in IRACONs have improved leaps and bound. We will try to have a Physical meeting and keep the option of Hybrid or Virtual meeting open if Covid situation demands it. I encourage you to present your research and come and participate in large number. A scientific feast and wonderful hospitality awaits you in Indore. See you all in Indore!

B G Dharmanand
President -Indian Rheumatology Association